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Knocknagin Primary School, Desertmartin


2017/2018 School Year

21st Nov 2017
Today some of our fabulous mums got their hands dirty making raised flower beds...
20th Nov 2017
Today we went up to the Church of the Nazarene to practise our football skills with...
16th Nov 2017
Pupils & parents from Knocknagin Primary School have been very generous this...
15th Nov 2017
Primary one and two have been enjoying attending Burns Soccer School once again...
15th Nov 2017
This week the children from Desertmartin and Knocknagin Primary schools have been...
15th Nov 2017
Today we achieved our Eco-School Bronze Award. Our entire school community have...
14th Nov 2017
In numeracy we have been measuring the height of a dinosaur using pegs, cubes, paperclips,...
14th Nov 2017
This week we have been reading lots of number rhymes. As part of talking and listening...
13th Nov 2017
Primary one and two are really enjoying film club! After a walk up to the Church...
11th Nov 2017
In primary one and two we have been learning about patterns. We made patterns using...