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Knocknagin Primary School, Desertmartin


2018/2019 School Year

19th Oct 2018
17th Oct 2018
P1 and 2 are continuing to enjoy Maths Week. We are dressed up as our favourite...
16th Oct 2018
P1 and 2 in Maths we were playing five little ducks. We had to build towers of cubes...
15th Oct 2018
This week is Maths Week. Every day this week we will play a different Maths game....
15th Oct 2018
In class we have been very busy writing letters to send to our friends and family....
10th Oct 2018
The Eco-council make some great decisions. We have decided our main action will...
8th Oct 2018
To mark the beginning of Shared Education Week and to celebrate another year of...