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Knocknagin Primary School, Desertmartin


2017/2018 School Year

28th Sep 2017
The children in KS2 enjoyed planting seeds yesterday with Caroline from Groundwork....
27th Sep 2017
After whole school elections, our School Council for the year 2017/18 has been appointed....
26th Sep 2017
As part of our 'Let's be Safe' topic, we are learning how to cross the road safely....
22nd Sep 2017
This week we read the tale of 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We explored the events and...
20th Sep 2017
Yesterday our Eco-Council were busy at work meeting with John Murtagh from the Mid...
16th Sep 2017
Year 5,6&7 had a great Friday morning!! Derry minor manager Killian Conlon kindly...
14th Sep 2017
This year Knocknagin will join the thousands of schools participating in the Eco-School...
1st Sep 2017
Today Primary 5, 6 & 7 had a fantastic time getting ready for the year ahead....

2016/2017 School Year

6th Jul 2017
Our fantastic PTA have been working hard weeding and refurbishing the garden for...
23rd Jun 2017
Primary 6&7 pupils finish their Cycling Proficiency scheme! Everyone passed...