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Knocknagin Primary School, Desertmartin

Term 3 AR Prizes and Water Ballooning

25th Jun 2024
Well done to our Primary 3-7 pupils who were rewarded for their excellent reading and quizzing during term 3. Pupils who reached their individual target got to water balloon Mr McIver. Some lucky parents got to join in after Leaver's Mass!
Prizes were given to class winners, group winners and target achievers. Special certificates were awarded to those who have reached specific word count milestones. A massive congratulations to our 4 AR millionaires! Don't forget that you can continue to read and quiz over the summer months, a good chance to get ahead with your word count for next year!
Primary 1 and 2 also got to water balloon Mr McIver. They have worked so hard this year at Knocknagin PS! Everyone had a great time- especially the parents!